Hi, I’m Knut 👋
I’m a software developer from Berlin working on various web- and open data related things.
Some Projects
- unisport.berlin
Search through all the sports classes that Berlin's universities offer - Wem gehört Hamburg
Project developed at correctiv to investigate house ownership in Hamburg
Winner of the Grimme Online Award 2019 - jedeschule.de
Freelance support for the Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland. We scraped the schools from all states in Germany and made them searchable in a single website
I am part of the OK Lab Berlin where we meet once a week to work on open data related topics. You should totally join!
I started writing down some of the things that I work on or am fascinated by in my Blog.
I like sharing things I have learned with other people and have given a couple of talks throughout the years. You can find an overview here.
I graduated from htw Berlin where I studied environmental computer sciences and wrote my German Bachelor Thesis about weather adjustment for Energy Metering and Monitoring Systems.
You can find me on github, stack overflow , twitter and Mastodon or you can just send me an email. Feel free to encrypt it with my GPG key.